Stalin's partisan2018-02-06 13:41:45
Stalin's partisan, 2018-02-06 13:41:45

What is the name of the program \ service that makes the autosave of the WEB page?

You need a program or service that will save the web page of the site every hour.

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2 answer(s)
Ezhyg, 2018-02-06

any downloader for
flashget, downloadmaster, even wget files will do if you write a script for it or drive it into the scheduler

Saboteur, 2018-02-06

any schedule service + wget or curl
or even open a browser and take a screenshot.
The question is not for a toaster, this is googled in 10 seconds. If you're having trouble doing something as simple as that, the answers on the toaster won't help you. Contact freelancing, give access to your computer and you will be set up in 10 minutes and a little money.

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