ejikfast2014-05-30 13:55:21
ejikfast, 2014-05-30 13:55:21

What is the correct way to set up multiple Application Servers in SharePoint 2010 to deploy a wsp package globally?

SharePoint 2010 farm contains multiple servers:
Web Front-End:
SP2010WFE (Contains Web Application Tier Services)
Application Server:
SP2010Adm (Contains only one service: Central Administration)
SP2010App (Contains Application Tier Services only)
Database Server:
SP2010SQL (MS Database SQL 2012)
A solution that contains only one empty farm-level feature is deployed globally. The assembly appears only on the SP2010WFE and SP2010Adm servers and stubbornly does not want to be installed on the SP2010App. After starting the "Central Administration" service on the SP2010App server, the necessary assembly immediately appears in the GAC, however, according to all the manuals, this service should be located only on one server.
Hence the question arises: How to properly configure multiple Application Servers in SharePoint 2010 to deploy a wsp package globally?
According to the description of the solution deployment strategy, 2 services must be running on each of the servers (except databases): the Timer Job Service and the Central Administration Web Service. - Tested, works for everyone.

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1 answer(s)
ejikfast, 2014-06-02

Found the reason for this behavior.
When developing a wsp package, the default type of the target server is WebFronEnd in the properties, so it is installed on the web application server and the server with the administration center (because this is a web application). To install the package globally on all servers in the farm (except for the database server), you need to specify the type of the target server ApplicationServer.

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