Islam Ibakaev2018-06-27 21:14:55
Islam Ibakaev, 2018-06-27 21:14:55

What is the best way to do such a step-by-step thing (highlighted in red)?

Each step includes its own text, plus I wonder how best to do it for adaptability.
Maybe there is a script for such tasks?

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3 answer(s)
profesor08, 2018-06-27

Make tabs in js. By clicking on the circle, hide everything and show only the one you need. For an adaptive, practically nothing will have to be changed. the strip itself will easily fit in, and the container from below will shrink itself.

Jumandjilos, 2018-06-27

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGoHO3KViqg here is similar, just figure out the styles

glem1337, 2018-06-27

If it is a form then here is something similar https://jsfiddle.net/7eparndz/2/

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