HaUMave2011-07-29 18:35:14
Health and computer
HaUMave, 2011-07-29 18:35:14

What if I love the computer, but have poor eyesight?

What do you do to protect your eyes from constant screen strain. Personally, I am still very young, and my eyesight is already poor. I can't quit programming, I'm on Habré.

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18 answer(s)
Alexander, 2011-07-29

Are you sure that you planted your eyesight while sitting at the computer?

Anatoly, 2011-07-29

Walk more often, look into the distance, look at objects on the street in the distance, this will compensate for the strain on your eyes. Get out on the balcony more often and look at the most distant objects on the street that you can find. The influence of the monitor on the eye is not as great as they say, you can easily compensate for the load from a close distance. Sit sideways / facing (if the north side) to the window and every 5 minutes look out the window looking for new places to look at, this is not difficult and will not even force you to move away from the computer.

Kindman, 2011-07-29

Get yourself an apprentice (apprentice) and feed him crackers and beer.
He will help you type the code, and you will guide him on the right path!

Maxim, 2011-07-29

It seems to me that you should undergo a course of treatment with a good ophthalmologist (despite how much it will cost, vision is more expensive in any case), now they are very well diagnosed, treated, well, or they recommend appropriate drugs that will slow down the development of eye disease.

Ilya Chernichkin, 2011-07-29

Eye exercises (there are a whole bunch of exercises), a break of 15 minutes every hour, physical exercises (swimming, running)

osby, 2011-07-29

For programming (working with text), I strongly advise you to purchase a monitor with an MVA (PVA) matrix. Thanks to excellent contrast, the eyes are less strained.

afiskon, 2011-07-29

What am I doing?

Vladimir Chernyshev, 2011-07-29

Oddly enough, but, IMHO, it helped me to save my eyesight (from the age of 14 at computers, and the first 3 years the monitor is a TV, almost all the other years - CRT monitors) smoking. At least once an hour you go out for a smoke to the window or onto the balcony and look into the distance - your eyes rest.

wwi, 2011-07-29

The issue of vision loss, in my opinion, is not very related to the work of a programmer.
30 years ago, my eyesight began to deteriorate, myopia (naturally, this was not connected with monitors - they did not exist then)
The doctor told me “do not use glasses unless necessary” (although of course he wrote out a prescription)
Now I don’t use glasses. Monitor at the highest possible resolution.
Myopia has not progressed .., now I have myopia (almost the same as many years ago) and farsightedness :) (age ....)
I have been working with the screen (starting from 400x600 and up to the maximum that is now) for many years, constantly - serious problems no.
Contact a Good Doctor and decide with him what to do next
I am my first doctor who said "do not use glasses unless necessary" I still thank you.
But this is a question of Habr ... - consult a good doctor. It's worth it.

Alexey Bykhun, 2011-07-30

As far as I know, vision deteriorates due to eye strain and "forgetting" to blink. Well, at least the eyes get tired because of this for sure. The very fact of programming is not so terrible for the eyes, because you see the text on advertisements around the city. It may make sense to use drops to moisturize your eyes. Be that as it may, contact lenses are very comfortable, there are even those that can be worn for about a month without removing it, that is, it will not bring you any special problems. Is that a small expense, about 200 UAH. per month.
[unverified data] Yes, and I was also on a course of lectures by Zhdanov, who described the mechanism of myopia. According to him, during myopia, the eye stretches in length, which focuses the image in front of the retina. If you train the muscles that turn the eye to the sides, they can “pull” the eye to its previous position. [/ unverified data]
Although, of course, a consultation with an ophthalmologist will not hurt. :)

bestfriend, 2011-07-30

Do not worry too much about this, continue to work as before (or better, even more :),
if you have a predisposition to a decrease in visual acuity, it will decrease for you even with a computer,
even without it, except that with a computer it can well * just -slightly* faster (for example, a couple of diopters in 15 years
or so). If there is no predisposition, then no matter how much you stare at this monitor, it will not decrease.
In order to please your eyes and, perhaps, somehow influence their future, do “exercises” (just move your eyes to the sides and squeeze them for several minutes a day), and often look from the monitor to the wall, or better – out of the window to a distant mountain. Of course, this will not completely save you from myopia (if it is prepared for you), but your eyes will be less tired, this is a fact.
Source: ~20 years of experience in the field of myopia %) Already, fortunately, laser corrected.

Artouiros, 2011-07-30

I have a similar situation, only the problem is not a bit in the vision itself, but in the intraocular pressure. When you are behind the monitor, the vessels in the eye expand to the limit (the so-called red-eye). I'm thinking about what to do with this. To begin with, I bought an electronic reader, so that tech. read literature on it, not on the monitor. (experimentally established that it is the work in front of a particular monitor that is to blame, reading on paper does not cause).

KoXGen, 2011-07-29

First you need to return the lost. Contact a good specialist. I immediately warn you that for the duration of treatment, you should greatly limit the time spent at the monitor, but it is better to refuse altogether for a while (imagine that you are on vacation on a practically uninhabited island, where there is practically nothing from the benefits of civilization only beer ). Well, then, it will be enough to follow simple recommendations for working at a computer and drinking vitamins (which are very lacking in our time).

Iskander Giniyatullin, 2011-07-29

how much is bad?
In the 9th-11th grade, I reduced my eyesight to -5.5 in both eyes, since then I have been wearing lenses for 6 years, it doesn’t shrink any further and the lenses are very comfortable. I spend 9 hours at the computer at work and a few more at home + a tablet, etc.
I don’t strain, I decided if it continues to fall, I’ll do a laser correction, so far it’s fine.

Zames, 2011-07-31

Gymnastics for the eyes is the way out.

isden, 2011-07-31

> What if I love the computer, but have poor eyesight?
First of all, go to an appointment with a good ophthalmologist (and he will be able to tell a lot of useful things, starting from the desired mode of operation and ending with special exercises for the eyes). After that, follow the doctor's instructions and love the computer with glasses or contact lenses.

root09, 2011-08-01

Everyone who loves a computer will have bad eyesight

xandr0s, 2011-08-04

Last year I read an article on Habré My experience of restoring vision from Boomburum 'a and thought about it. At the most the symptoms are exactly the same as described in the topic from the link.
At the moment I try to take short breaks, during which I perform simple exercises like “look at the clouds - look at the window glass” ...

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