Alexander2015-01-20 19:27:08
Windows Server
Alexander, 2015-01-20 19:27:08

What hardware to choose for a terminal server?

Hello! I have never been involved in assembling servers, and even more so servers under Windows, tell me an approximate configuration for organizing a terminal server for 30 people (this is with a good margin). There will be file 1C and MS Office. Nothing else is planned. I also wanted to ask about licenses, which ones should I take?
Also, the question is, which server on hetzner is better to rent according to my requests?
Thanks in advance!

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4 answer(s)
Vyacheslav Smirnov, 2015-01-20

In this case I did some testing. Used four profiles. Terminal clients come in different versions (5.0, 6.0, 7.1) in different versions of Windows. And the difference in the capabilities and speed of their work is different.
I downloaded mstsc from Windows XP and Windows 7 and tested it at two levels of settings: all-inclusive and a more gentle mode. Two by two - it turned out four profiles.
For four 15-minute tests, I collected data on the workload of RAM, processor and network.
I also entered in the table what I did during this time (testing scenario). What I did on the first pass I repeated on the second and third. The similarity of actions is necessary for the correct comparison of results. Authenticate, view reports, edit documents, ...
And then, based on these data, I calculated whether 20 people could work on the server.
The iron is simple, the network is also simple. The software is also simple - connect to a terminal server, open a new terminal session and connect to another server (these are much less requirements than running 1C and office). Testing showed that the capacity of the server is enough.

Igor Nikolaev, 2015-01-20

Рассчитывайте 512 мб операвтивки и 0.5 процессорного ядра на пользователя. В плане лицензий, понадобятся RDP CAL (бывают 2х видов - на пользователя или на устройство). На MS Office лицензии должны быть на всех пользователей (это по хорошему). На мой взгляд, выгоднее использовать 365. По hetzner не подскажу.

АртемЪ, 2015-01-20

Железо серверное нет? Насколько жесткие требования к отказоусточивости.
На хецнере вроде любят десктопным железом делать.
Ну это примерно по core-i5,i7 оперативки не менее 16, под систему, файловые базы и профили юзеров зеркало SSD.
А уж по отказоустойчивости смотрите сами как лучше, и на что денег хватит.
По софту - Windows Server 2012 Standard, RDS CAL, офис на нужное количество пользователей, 1с сетевая на нужное количество пользователей.
По поводу хецнера-
Это с хорошим запасом на 30активных юзеров файловой 1с и офиса.

shaazz, 2015-01-21

А это уже обычно, что 1С не внутри LAN офиса? Я имею ввиду безопасность. Или будет еще что-то строится типа VPN?

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