Albery Zischz2017-04-15 23:37:13
Albery Zischz, 2017-04-15 23:37:13

VK API authorization cURL?

I can get a token for my script by clicking on a link like this:
https://oauth.vk.com/authorize?client_id= <id>&scope=notify,friends,photos,offline,wall&redirect_uri=blank.html&display=popup&response_type=token
From of the window that opens, I copy the token and work with it.
Tell me, how can I remove the crutch with copying from the address bar of the token and get the token into the script directly?
Somewhere I met that in no way, they say VK checks from which domain the appeal is made and if it is not vk.com then it does not work, I hope this is not true))

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2 answer(s)
entermix, 2017-04-15

Use Authorization code flow instead of Implicit flow

- Implicit flow. To work with the API on behalf of the user in Javascript applications and Standalone clients (desktop or mobile).
- Authorization code flow. To work with the API on behalf of the user from the server side of your site.


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