Gol2013-07-19 14:10:17
Gol, 2013-07-19 14:10:17

USB video capture for Linux

There is such a piece of iron - QQIP DVR DI. USB video capture device for analog cameras, 4 channels.

Under Windows, the norms work, but only from the native application. In the system, the piece of iron is seen as one device - USB Serial Converter (id 0403:6014). And I need each channel to be a separate device so that they can be accessed by standard means. And the most important thing is that it works in Linux, i.e. so that there are four devices /dev/video[1-4] (well, or one device with four channels hw:0-3).

I poked around a little with a USB sniffer, it turned out that all four streams go in turn in one common stream from the device, and the native application somehow resolves them. There is no protocol description, no SDK, nothing :-)

Attention, the question is - who faced this? Can you advise something on the topic of supporting this animal in linux? Or just tell me, pliz, some other device for video capture (at least 4 channels are needed), so that it connects via USB and is normally seen in Linux. There seems to be EasyCap, but there people swear that when several channels are active, it lags heavily and does not smell like realtime.

UPD> I won’t repost the details of picking the piece of iron here, if anyone is interested in a little more detail, there is in the blog .

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