array052020-09-19 13:03:04
array05, 2020-09-19 13:03:04

Telegram bot response time?

️Friends, what determines the response time from the bot? There are bots where there are quite a lot of users, but the response from the bot is still instant! How can the same effect be achieved? Even VPS took for this case, the code was optimized, but alas, the response time is somewhere around 1-2 seconds. I use: PHP/MySQLi/WebHook

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2 answer(s)
MaxKozlov, 2020-09-20

You can suspect anything, for example, a connection to the database (if it occurs for each message)
But we don’t have a crystal ball, but you can simply write time to the log with great accuracy through each line to see which line takes a lot of time

PEREGINEC, 2020-09-21

Faster response in python

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