@hatcker2016-10-23 08:27:21
network hardware
@hatcker, 2016-10-23 08:27:21

Static local address without DHCP?

Is it possible? Bearing in mind that configuring TCP/IPv4 through Windows can fail if the local address is busy.

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3 answer(s)
bnytiki, 2016-10-23

I tried to guess: do they practice specifying addresses without a DHCP server?
How at the same time struggle with possible coincidence of addresses?
1. Or, according to the plan, they distribute addresses to whom.
2. Or they simply distribute it randomly, and if the address matches, they simply change it.

Anton Bulkin, 2016-10-24

Edit the range of distribution of addresses, for example, and addresses up to 0.49 will always be free and will never intersect with manually filled ones.

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