▪ ▪2017-01-04 16:10:25
▪ ▪, 2017-01-04 16:10:25

Should I buy a used processor?

Recently, the prices for the core-i7 line have skyrocketed. I accidentally saw ads on Avito as well as in a used iron store. The same i7 can be bought twice cheaper.
How risky is this? Can problems occur after a few months of use? Perhaps it was broken or flooded with water. Or maybe it's a Chinese fake?

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5 answer(s)
evgeniy_lm, 2017-01-04

It's pointless to fake things like a processor. Their cost is about $1. But the production technology is expensive. It is she who makes up the bulk of the wholesale price.
A used processor, if serviceable, will work indefinitely if properly maintained.

malbaron, 2017-01-04

No one but Intel can make i7 class processors. Close - can AMD. But this is far from Chinese crafts.
The maximum that can shine negative:
1. Remarking to a faster (expensive model). But if you do not buy a top-end processor, the price difference is as much as 500 rubles. And it is completely leveled by bargaining. Who will bother with re-marking for that kind of money.
2. Not working. Here you need to check by installing it on your computer.
Visually, you can only check the integrity of all contacts and the absence of charring (even the smallest).
3. A processor that constantly works with overheating (overclocking, poor cooling) will fail much faster. But even here - that 25 years, that he will work for 7 years - in practice, the difference is not great. You won't use it for that long.

Ranwise, 2017-01-04

if you still decide to buy, then inspect / test the processor carefully, it may have worked for a long time under overclocking, or it was overclocked with increased voltage, or the cover was removed from it to replace the thermal paste
, the guarantee for processors is usually 3 years

Ezhyg, 2017-01-05

They can slip "remarked". There are two options - the Chinese (I won’t say how, I haven’t come across it myself, but I don’t want to throw rumors) and a cunning seller showing a test on his hardware.

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