Nekita Zatravin2018-03-28 12:35:02
Nekita Zatravin, 2018-03-28 12:35:02

Should I buy a knee stool?

I read several opinions about the subject and I want to try it in everyday work at the computer.
Does anyone have experience using it? What points should you pay attention to when buying? Should I choose with or without a back?

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18 answer(s)
Anton Kiselyov, 2018-03-28

I have been working on an orthopedic chair for 2 years, and I can definitely say that I will not change to a regular one.
Before that, I tried 3 different office chairs, and tried to work standing up for a year.
I switched to a knee stool on the recommendation of a doctor.
The main advantage of such a chair is the correct posture, a slight natural deflection in the lower back is preserved (or improved). For me, this is important - because it is in the lower back that I have serious back problems.
Such a chair definitely requires getting used to: at first there will be discomfort in the knees, the lower back may hurt.
I started with 1-2 hours a day, and in about a month I completely switched to it.
The specific model is not particularly important, choose according to your taste. I have US MEDICA Zero.
The back is not needed - there is nothing special to rely on it.
But height adjustment is required, because. the greater the distance between the knee supports and the seat, the greater the lumbar deflection will be. Accordingly, it is possible to enhance or weaken the therapeutic effect.
Armrests are not needed, with properly selected ratios of the height of the chair / table / height of the person sitting - the elbows lie on the table immediately at 90 °.
By the way, the effect is similar to the knee chair - the lotus position in yoga. But you'll work in it :)

AlexeyCarpenter, 2019-03-02

In short, it won't work.
I have been making custom knee chairs for several years now and have been sitting on them for the same amount of time (me and my wife). We have made this our core business. I can say a lot about both the chair itself and the people who sit on it. But we are opposed to the idea that this chair cures all diseases and so on, propagated by stores. But let's say for sure that we ourselves will not change to an ordinary classic chair. Is it worth buying? Here are my considerations. Maybe someone will come in handy.
It is clear that the chair itself is just a fixture. Everyone doesn't need it. Let's say you experience mild discomfort from 3-4 hours of sitting work - your lower back hurts a little, but this pain quickly disappears after a break. You are a person who is annoyed even by such "easy" discomfort. Don't buy a chair. The period of getting used to it causes even more discomfort. From my own experience I will say that sitting on a knee chair is incredibly comfortable only with months and years. In a classic chair, on the contrary. Over the years, many diseases can develop or worsen from such a chair. Everything is individual here. Someone immediately appears intervertebral hernia and with them pinched nerves. Someone with a spine is all right, but the blood flow in the soft tissues of the pelvis is disturbed and off we go. You can't get away from our anatomy. Knee chair by tilting the seat closer to a position where the back muscles are not overstressed to keep the back straight. Therefore, for those who are so tired of lower back pain that they are not afraid of either the adjustment period or the non-standard new fit, welcome. You will not regret it.
We conducted tests and observations on people of different sex, age and complexion. Here's what they noticed. Women get used to it faster and complain less about discomfort in their knees. Tall people are not comfortable on the knee chair, but tall women may be fine provided that the knee chair can be adjusted. For people of large build, it is necessary to choose models with an extended knee support for greater freedom of the legs. For the same reason, we don't recommend buying chairs that have the knee rest split into two halves (some balance chairs, but not all). On the website of the British online store there is a note from a buyer who does not like this option precisely because of the restriction of freedom of the knees.
During the day, the seated actively changes the position of the body. Knees after getting used to do not complain at all. And the soft tissues in the hips and buttocks experience less stress and blood flow improves in them (compared to a regular chair, of course).
You should not buy chairs that have a very small range of adjustments. My wife and I are the same height, and logically we need the same settings. But she is not comfortable in my chair, and I in hers. Hence the conclusion: the more adjustments, the better.
The chair works in the "semi-automatic" mode. Therefore, do not be too lazy to find the setting that suits you. It is better if it is possible to raise the table at which you work while sitting on a kneeling chair. Also adjust the height of the monitor so that you do not tilt your head or hang over the table.
From myself I can say that if you are a hypochondriac, then consult not with one doctor, but with several orthopedic rehabilitologists.
As a teenager, I was diagnosed with osteochondropathy of the tibial tuberosity. I couldn't sit on the floor on my knees. Although about 10 years have passed since then and no treatment has been prescribed to me, I sit on a knee chair without problems, even though I can’t walk on my knees like healthy people at all. Of course, the quality of the materials from which the knee chair is made can still play here. In mine, I use 2 types of foam rubber with different densities to prevent the pillow from being squeezed.
Buy from those who are willing to accept returns within 14 days.
Personally, it is convenient for me to work in a chair. It makes no sense to play, watch a movie on it. It helps me to concentrate and work for a long time.

V_Holmow, 2018-03-28

Hat, no elbow pads = back hurts, torso load goes to knees, not pelvic bones as it should = not good for knees.
and it's just ... well, it's not convenient, you have to fight not with the workplace, but with work tasks)

Egor, 2020-05-06

Knee chair, harm and benefit.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of reasoning theorists, and very few actually sitting.
I have been sitting on this chair since 2018, and I can tell everything from my own experience as it is, and not fairy tales from the Internet. There are real pros and there are real cons to this thing.
But first, I'll go through those who wrote earlier :-)))))
- "Smartsul" does good things, but it's expensive. I am sitting on Bogatyr , he is fundamentally no worse, but 2 times cheaper
- "Increased load on the knees" - there is no such thing, with the right posture. But in our country, everyone is damn smart, no one reads the instructions attached to the chair, everyone puts the seat as high as possible, slides down on their knees and hello. And all you need to do is adjust the chair to your height so that 80% of the weight falls on the ass.
- "They are not designed for the standard height of the table" - not true. The standard height of a table or a school desk is 75 cm. My desk is 78 cm at home. And it’s convenient for me. And to everyone who is sitting, and I already have five such acquaintances. And everyone is sitting at regular tables. Of course, ideally, you also need a table with an inclination, but this is a damn 30,000r +, I'm not ready yet.
- "The load from the back is distributed, but at the expense of the knees" - yeah, 20 times. In reality, the load on this chair on the back feels MORE than when sitting on a regular chair !! Because the weight falls on the muscles, not on the spine. And on the muscles of the lower back, and in general on the back, and on the hips, etc. Sit for yourself, not 5 minutes "on fitting", but real 2-3 hours. You will immediately feel all the back muscles, especially when they are not there :-)))) as I had when I sat down. On the spine, the load on this chair is less (which is both funny and useful), and more on the muscles !! And they get tired be healthy. For this, by the way, I bought a chair with a back, recline, rest, otherwise you won’t sit for 8 hours ....
- "He hurts his back" - his back hurts when he got sick with something, a hernia when he sat, etc. Muscles - yes, they experience increased stress, they hold your back. Yes, you won’t sit for 8 hours right away, I got used to it for a month, until the muscles more or less toned up and began to hold their back. And what's wrong with that? In my opinion, on the contrary, it is good when the back muscles are trained.
- "No armrests" - so they are not needed, otherwise the meaning disappears !! You lean on the armrest, bend your back, transfer the weight to your elbow, bend your spine and sit like that for hours. Type. And then what's the point of putting a knee chair?? With such a letter zyu you can sit on an ordinary chair ...
If I really want to lean on something, I put my elbows on the table (very convenient, by the way, and all the children, I watched, do the same), or I lean back. In the latter case, this is a purely resting position, it is impossible to work, by the way ...
Bottom line: The
real advantages of a knee chair:
- the back has become smoother;
- not so tired at the computer;
- I get up more often (which is also a plus, I think);
- the muscles of the back have trained, I keep my posture without any problems;
- the chair does not allow the body to "fall apart", as in a regular chair, the body is always in good shape;
- after six months, I got so used to it that it is already uncomfortable to sit on ordinary chairs for a long time, I want the right posture.
- in relatives, a teenager of 19 years old, scoliosis has stopped. Not disappeared, of course, but the fact itself. Because the kid does nothing more, in terms of health. Those. The name "orthopedic knee chair" has a basis.
Cons of a knee chair:
- clumsy design. No matter what anyone says, this is more of a unit than designer furniture. Looks like crap next to my old computer chair. :-)))) But it is not invented for beauty, as I understand it. If they come up with a "beautiful" and no worse, and inexpensive - I will immediately replace it. :-)))
- getting in and out in jeans is convenient, in a skirt, my wife said, not very :-)))
- if you adjust the chair incorrectly (raise the seat too high, etc.) - you will slide to your knees. And this is not good. Therefore, here you need to clearly choose your own, comfortable position. To sit on your ass, not on your knees. So there is no need for gag, just read the settings and adjust the knee chair to fit your height (fortunately, everything is adjustable).
- you need to get used to it, 100%, and you need to be ready for this. It took me a month to get more or less used to it. In the first week of sitting, I discovered muscles in myself that I did not know I had. :-))) Some of my friends didn't get it, although they tried it. Children get used to it in 2-3 days, their body is flexible, it adapts more easily.
- in the first place, sitting for 8 hours in a row will not work. You will have to give rest to the body, get up, stretch your legs, lean back on your back ... It happened to me. Although, I repeat once again that some sit down and sit for hours at once, but this is an exception, it seems to me.
In short, there are more pluses than minuses

Quip Quip, 2018-03-29

It's worth it, it's comfortable to sit, and most importantly, it's good for the back. My friend at work sits on one. I bought it because of back pain, I suffered a lot, and a week later it disappeared like a charm.

groundhog, 2018-03-28

The design of such a chair was made a long time ago, it seems in the mid-80s. At least I saw it at that time in the magazine "Technical Aesthetics".
But he did not go to the masses for obvious reasons. It is clear that they are inconvenient to use, sit down, get up. Pressure on the knees, shin is a bad idea.
It is easier to use a regular chair + lining under the lumbar lordosis.
But most importantly, no chair can replace physical activity, which is necessary for a sedentary lifestyle or work. You need to get up and walk regularly during work. Outside of work, you must definitely walk, run, physical training. Then there will really be fewer problems with the spine and health.

MiraslavaKrisha, 2019-10-25

But I decided to order such a child, and we were satisfied. The chair looks really unusual, moreover, at first the child was completely afraid to sit on it. But I'm used to it. It just takes a little time, a few days, for the muscles to strengthen. Then it will be convenient.
We chose a chair with a metal base. And thick pillows to keep your knees soft. Such pillows are also called Comfort. At least he's strong. I don't really trust wood. Therefore, I recommend! And we sit at a simple table. In general, everything is great. I have read reviews from other buyers and they also say they love it. It's even surprising that there are negative comments in the chat.

sizhupravilno, 2020-04-27

I have been sitting on a knee chair without a back for 5 months every day, except weekends) The manufacturer is the Russian company Smartstool . I am very comfortable, I don’t want to return to a regular chair from the word at all, my back already feels the difference. It took a couple of weeks to get used to: at first there was a slight discomfort in the legs, the back muscles got used to holding the posture. And then everything was fine))

vism, 2018-03-28

better first try okamura contessa In general, a
lot of people, not understanding what the right chair should do, advise all kinds of game.
To roughly understand what's what, and where to find what, I advise you to read this forum.

Lander, 2018-03-28

I tried. I did not like.
Knowledgeable people say that this is a matter of habit and when you get used to it, it's even cooler, but I'm not ready to suffer :)

Dmitry, 2018-03-28

It seems that comfort is highly dependent on the height of the person. If more than 180, then from personal experience, it will be inconvenient. I ended up giving up on this chair.

CityCat4, 2018-03-28

The device is very similar to what is prescribed for medical reasons .
- No armrests. Where will you put your hands - on the table?
- Small back. The back gets tired much more than the legs, which need only support on the floor or a small stand (or how I, for example, put my feet on the cross of the chair).
IMHO, if this is not recommended to you by doctors, then a good office chair will be better for work. What does "good" mean? Well, everyone puts their own meaning into this word. At my previous place of work, I had a CHAIRMAN CH-687AXSN chair and it suited me just fine.


I don't understand how he can help if his back hurts

zooks, 2018-03-28

Increased stress on the knees if you work while sitting on it all the time. Better equip the workplace so that you can stand from time to time.

Egor Kazantsev, 2018-03-29

I know how easy it is to force yourself to sit on such a chair: go to the bath / sauna and gently burn your ass, and now you can’t sit on your ass normally.

, 2018-03-29

The best option is to come to a professional store and sit for half an hour.
For example, my knees didn’t work for me, because. they are also not designed for the standard height of the table, which is why in any case you start to bend forward.
But if the table is adjustable and you personally sit comfortably in it, then why not.
The load from the back is really distributed, but at the expense of the knees.

garipaci, 2020-07-28

I've been sitting on this for almost a year. I got used to it right away, the lower back immediately said thank you. My knees ached a little, but then I added a load in the form of squats in parallel - I'm sure that they ached more because of the squats - eliminated the squats and the whining went away. And as a cyclist, I am very sensitive to my knees, they are very dear to me, because I know how tears gush from my eyes when my knees hurt.
I can’t sit on an ordinary chair, office chairs, benches for a long time. I can work on the knee from morning until late at night, if overtime. It is only necessary to periodically give rest. But, in any case, rest is required on any kind of seating devices.

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