sl4mmer2011-12-20 21:45:49
Health and computer
sl4mmer, 2011-12-20 21:45:49

Recommend an expander

Offtopic question. But fingers are still a working tool, and many IT people use expanders, so maybe someone can help me.

The bottom line: You need to pick up an expander to develop ligaments. Preferably specific models.
На большом пальце правой руки была травма связки с отрывом костного фрагмента. Наложили гипс на 3 недели.
Сегодня снял - но не нравиться подвижность пальца, как чужой вообще.

Не могу дотянуться большим пальцем до других (совместить подушечки) кроме указательного (до среднего почти дотягиваюсь но дальше не идет и слегка больно). Не могу полностью прижать палец к ладони и т.п.

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10 answer(s)
Denis, 2011-12-20

Are you sure you need an expander ?
Maybe an expander?
And on the subject: do you want to talk about this with a doctor? I’m training my hands with a simple rubber ring, but I didn’t have an injury ...

pietrovich, 2011-12-20

Я бы большой палец сразу после травмы сильно не грузил. Тем более что вас пока беспокоит не его «хватательная мощность», а подвижность. Для начала я бы поэкспериментировал с «поролоновыми» шариками разной степени упругости размером с мячик для настольного тениса. Поискать можно в магазинах детских игрушек (есть такие пулялки, типа насоса, стреляют подходящими) и пожестче — в зоомагазинах, игрушки для котов. Еще втарил бы аналог пластилина (тесто для лепки) который достаточно мягкий, не липнет ко всему подряд и довольно приятно пахнет. Это в канцтоварах и детских магазинах смотрите. Можно еще хендгам какой-нибудь помять, но они существенно дороже.
In general, look for some rehabilitation specialist, at worst, look for sets of exercises on the Internet. But forget about expanders for now. It can only get worse if something peels off again.

Next_Alex, 2011-12-20

by the way, a very informative tag “I won’t wear sneakers in winter anymore” pleases the eye no less than broken Russian.
And on the topic: the thumb is quite different from the rest, here you can’t get by with an ordinary expander. In addition, after a ligament injury with a detachment of a bone fragment, not every normal person immediately begins to put such a load on the injured organ.
You would wait a week or two, observe the behavior of the finger and your feeling of it, and then you look and get to the doctor for a consultation.

Eternalko, 2011-12-20

I recently had a serious hand injury.
It will take about 3 months until the finger moves normally. Although some "disability" will remain. For example, you won’t be able to open tightly closed cans :( Although give TNB to do it.
Best of all are various simple exercises with your hands. Like plasticine. The expander should be taken round, the softest rubber. There, the main number of times and not strength.
Well, that’s what the doctor ordered.

Praetorian, 2011-12-21

You do not need an expander, but a silicone massage ball. It is soft - for the restoration of the most it.

Pitstopper, 2011-12-21

I broke the index finger on my right hand (and broke the articular bag), they put a cast, it looked like a month or a half (I don’t remember). When the plaster was removed, I thought: “What the fuck! What is this sausage with a fingernail? They couldn’t do anything - they couldn’t even bend and unbend stupidly. He hid the "ugliness" in his pocket. After a couple of months, he could clench his fist, he could sanely move his finger, etc. Six months later, everything returned to normal. Now (about 5 years have passed) - as if nothing had happened.

Pitstopper, 2011-12-21

And yes! Expander in your situation (as well as in mine) - it will be very painful at first.

Smolka, 2011-12-21

And I would implement such a sequence:
1. A trip to the doctor (traumatologist, surgeon). Find out what is possible and what is not possible at this stage.
2. Hike to the exercise therapy instructor.
3. Hike to the massage therapist.
We carry out the recommendations and procedures of specialists. (maybe physio-procedures will be prescribed, also not bad).
And at home, for the first time, non-strength exercises with and without the formal participation of the injured finger. Roll metal balls in the palm of your hand (or a rosary), wrinkle / sort through something soft in your hand (it was suggested above, but I can add a tennis ball ... you don’t have to press it, just twist and squeeze it slightly in your hand), scroll through the videos on YouTube “a la" Finger Fitness (good for hands and brains). Here is an example of exercises where the injured finger is not formally involved - exercises with a gymnastic stick, push-ups from the wall on the palms / fists.
Pain while exercising is a signal to stop. Tolerable discomfort and “hardness” is a signal that you are on the right track.
I also want to note (for the future) that purposefully “pumping up” the hands, for example, with a hard expander, a person has a noticeable “tremor”, so the right musicians, doctors, programmers =) do not do this, but do gymnastics for hands.
I wish you that the period of rehabilitation was minimal.

bestfriend, 2011-12-21

To get started, ask yourself a few questions:
1. What kind of mobility do you expect after 3 weeks of the cast?
2. Don't you think that the 3-week cast was applied for a reason, but, for example,
in order to limit mobility and, as a result, the load on the injured area?
3. Don't you think that if the plaster is removed, then loading with an expander for at least the next month
is completely superfluous and, moreover, harmful?
Just in case, the correct answers to the questions:
1. Almost zero
2. Yes, exactly for this!
3. Of course, superfluous and harmful!

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