Roman Koff2017-08-09 11:58:30
visual studio
Roman Koff, 2017-08-09 11:58:30

Program code generators. What else to see besides T4?

I have extensive experience in writing code generators and resources for CRUD environments under Entity Framework using Text Template (T4) under Visual Studio. The essence of the technology is as follows: there is an xml file that describes the object model of the application. Based on this file, T4 templates generate entity code (POCO), data access layer (DAL), necessary controllers, views, resource files, and a bunch of other little things for the environment. A database structure script and data snapshots are also created (if necessary, for backups). Here's one such bike.
The problem is that this solution is entirely tied to VS and .NET, respectively. There is a desire to try other technologies and IDEs. Tell me what other relevant (promising) technologies are there for generating project files for other IDEs (first of all).

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1 answer(s)
Stanislav Makarov, 2017-08-09

In general, you somehow vaguely formulated the question. If you are interested in macro languages, there are thousands of them, just google - "macro language" or "template language".

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