Eugene2017-04-15 23:35:14
Raspberry Pi
Eugene, 2017-04-15 23:35:14

Orange PI Plus 2 What children's sores remained?

Good evening! There was a desire to buy a mini PC Orange PI Plus 2 as a media server (for kodi), a "smart home control center" and a backup server.
They write on the Internet that the orange has a lot of problems with working on hdmi and video decoding, have they been fixed yet?
Is it worth taking or is it better to assemble a computer on mini atx?

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2 answer(s)
Denis Verbin, 2017-04-16

This is old information, everything is already in order with both hdmi and decoding. The main thing is to use the correct distribution (armbian and its derivatives) in this case.

Sergey, 2017-04-16

it is better to assemble a computer with brains on Intel.

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