GeniyZ2013-03-17 16:00:00
GeniyZ, 2013-03-17 16:00:00

Online store on Node.JS?

It is required to write an online store with the possibility of online payment by credit card.
Until now, I had no idea how it was done. I suspect there are pitfalls. And I don't even know which way to go.
Please share your advice / technology / plugin / library, or, simply, indicate the direction in which it is worth “digging”.

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3 answer(s)
AndreyChizh, 2013-03-17

And what dictated the choice of technology? Why Node.js?

Vyacheslav Slinko, 2013-03-17

Take the API of your favorite payment system and implement it.

Puma Thailand, 2013-03-17

It seems to me that the node was created a little for other tasks, you can, of course, implement some specific parts on the node, but in general your idea is complete nonsense.

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