pistol2013-07-02 10:44:27
pistol, 2013-07-02 10:44:27

New field in cakePHP?

I added a field to the database, I saw that cakePHP has the concept of schemas and only the fields described in the schema are saved in the database when editing. Question - how now to add a new field and its description to the schema?

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2 answer(s)
pistol, 2013-07-03

Yes, it turns out that the fields are cached. But deleting the cache does not help, a new cache file is immediately created, with the old fields. The solution was suggested on another forum, you need to write
Configure::write('debug', 2);
and call any page. The database fields will automatically be written into the schema and you can fully work with the field.

Vsevolod, 2013-07-02

I don't think the schematics are the same. As far as I understand, they are needed to store the database structure in your project. Of course, I can be wrong, because. I didn't work with them myself.
But if you don't save the new field, try clearing the model cache, it's somewhere in the tmp folder. I faced this all the time. After adding a field to the database or changing the model, the application did not work properly due to the fact that the old models were cached.

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