vvh1te2011-07-08 08:51:16
vvh1te, 2011-07-08 08:51:16

Network traffic generator?

A fairly complex QoS setup needs to be tested.
To do this, you need an application that will generate certain traffic with a bunch of features (up to the package size).

Can anyone suggest such an application? In principle, the OS does not matter, if at least minix will be raised :)

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4 answer(s)
gl00k, 2011-07-08

Perhaps Nemesis will do. There is a version for Windows and *nix.

vvh1te, 2011-07-08

Thanks for Nemesis.
Now I got another hint from another source:
The Scapy project is an all-in-one for low-level networking.

Kindman, 2011-07-08

Oh, I once made a traffic generator in PHP through a null modem on a com port.
It is not at all necessary to use a “physical” com port, although you can use a virtual com port for a bluetooth connection.
In short, everything happened like this: I
established a PPP connection, configured it, raised TCP / IP over PPP, and sent arbitrary raw network packets (including those with errors, as well as terribly special ones), and on the other “end of the wire I watched what the reaction would be.

nick5, 2011-07-08

I myself used PackETH under Linux, by the way, I liked it with a GUI interface.
And so look on Wikipedia for a package generator, there is a considerable choice.

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