BiTHacK2011-06-28 11:22:00
Computer networks
BiTHacK, 2011-06-28 11:22:00

Network bandwidth calculation

Good time of the day. It was necessary to solve the problem of constructing an optimal computer network in terms of the throughput of each connection between nodes, while the network topology was predetermined. What literature can be read on this issue?

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4 answer(s)
m08pvv, 2011-06-28

Your description falls under the question of building communication environments in clusters, respectively, you can read everything related to networks in HPC.

bootch, 2011-06-28

Do you have a graph and need to find something in it? See books on graph algorithms.

divanikus, 2011-06-28

Graph theory, traveling salesman problem and other discrete mathematics.

Derailed, 2011-06-29

Somehow, the question is somehow strangely posed " to solve the problem of constructing an optimal computer network in terms of the throughput of each connection between nodes, while the network topology is predetermined ". No problem needs to be solved if the topology is known in advance, the maximum throughput between any two points is also known in advance. This bandwidth of the path between two points in the network is equal to the bandwidth of the lowest speed segment of the path between these two points.. It is important to simply be able to find this “bottleneck” in the network using the topology and calculate its bandwidth, and this is quite simple to do - you need to know the performance characteristics of this segment and its load. In real life, it may be more important to simply measure throughput. For this, iperf (a cross-platform utility) is best suited.

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