Ruslan Prokhorov2016-11-03 15:32:38
Computer networks
Ruslan Prokhorov, 2016-11-03 15:32:38

Where can I find (buy) a network hub with a bandwidth of 1 Gb / s?

From time to time there is a need to stand in the equipment gap and take a copy of the traffic, while there is no way to do port mirroring. Well, it happens. But you can put equipment in the gap.
I know that traffic can be encrypted. In this case, it doesn't matter.
Maybe someone found in the open spaces, namely hubs =)

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3 answer(s)
polifill, 2016-11-03

And than the smart switch does not suit.
Some sort of mikrotik.
Hubs at modern speeds are evil.
Microcontrollers are cheap.
Now - only switches.

Cool Admin, 2016-11-03

A hub of this speed is not possible according to the standard (and technology). You need a bridge (router in bridge mode) or a managed switch with a port in mirror mode.
Do not forget about violations of the law.

CityCat4, 2016-11-03

Nowhere. By the time speeds had grown to gigabit, hubs had died out as a class. 100Mb can be found on ebay or alibaba...maybe...

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