ensigh882019-12-10 09:42:15
ensigh88, 2019-12-10 09:42:15

Low resolution Windows 10 boot screen?

Hello. I have a question that I can't find an answer to anywhere. I have the following problem. I built a new computer, Ryzen 2700X, Nvidia GTX1660, 16 Gb DDR4, SSD 2.5 512 gb, Aorus B450 Pro, Win 10 OS x64 (1909). The system works very well. But there is one but. When I press the power button, I am greeted by the BIOS logo, then the normal Windows 10 boot screen goes on, and after a few seconds the screen becomes momentarily dark and a circle of rotating dots appears on the screen, but it is of low resolution. After that, the user login screen appears but at a normal resolution (1920 x 1080). Again, the system works great, but that extra low resolution boot screen is very annoying.
What I did: reinstalled Windows, installed another SSD, reinstalled drivers for everything, including the video card - all did not lead to success.
I ask for help!

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4 answer(s)
Radjah, 2019-12-10

If sclerosis does not change me, then the screen resolution during system boot is always 1024x768. Previously, it was generally 640x480. This does not depend on video drivers, the boot screen is displayed even before they are fully launched. A screen without a logo with a large circle of dots is usually displayed when some equipment is reinstalled or something is updated. I suggest hitting.

Vladimir Korotenko, 2019-12-10


Drno, 2019-12-10

So this is the Windows 10 boot screen... what's wrong?

ensigh88, 2019-12-17

thanks everyone for the replies. but unfortunately I could not find any normal solution to this problem. I just stupidly bought a new super fast PCI-Express based SSD (Aorus). Booting Windows is so fast that all problems are gone! If you don’t feel sorry for 14 thousand, this is the solution to the problem.

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