cyberlog2016-09-27 08:48:40
cyberlog, 2016-09-27 08:48:40

LAMP - what is the installation order on Ubuntu?

What are the recommendations on the subject - what is the first to put, what is the second, what is the third?
So that one does not come into conflict with the other.

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3 answer(s)
Vladimir Kuzin, 2016-09-27

Here is a good article on the subject. If you are too lazy - sudo apt-get install lamp-server ^ everything will pull itself up, all that remains is to adjust it to your config.

Dmitry, 2016-09-27

Good morning.
Use tasksel , everything is put in one go.

Edward, 2016-09-27

sudo apt-get install mysql-server phpmyadmin
everything else will be pulled up by dependencies, and nothing else is needed. And in order for something to conflict with something, you still have to try.

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