Romanbova2014-06-10 10:38:35
Machine translation from one language to another
Romanbova, 2014-06-10 10:38:35

Is it worth translating guidelines?

Recently I caught myself thinking that it was so normal and did not study the iOS Human Interface Guidelines. Decided to make up for this deficiency. But I realized that in English reading and studying the material is not as fast as in Russian. Posherstiv Internet failed to find adequate (at least to some extent) translations.
So there was a charitable idea to take a steam bath and translate for people who are also more comfortable reading in Russian than in English. Moreover, if the question is relevant, there was a desire to unite and translate not only this guideline, but also others.
Tell me, dear, your opinion on the feasibility of this idea and, if you wish, advice on this topic.

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3 answer(s)
Dean Ex, 2014-06-10

Definitely worth it. Just start right away with Swift translation .

Nikita Baev, 2014-06-10

Already done — guide.ramotion.com

Maxim Samoilov, 2014-06-10

Everyone knows that those who translate books on programming go to heaven without a queue!
Especially literature from Apple, tk. Apple does not indulge us in this part.

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