jeruthadam2019-03-26 19:13:09
jeruthadam, 2019-03-26 19:13:09

Is it worth it to make a super-fancy personal portfolio site?

Should a front-end developer make a super fancy personal website? With a lot of chips, effects? Modern design?
I just look at the sites of other developers who seem to be on the job - 90% are dry one-page resumes with Github Pages. The remaining 10% are cool portfolios with Awwwards, etc.)
I'm making my own website, and I caught myself thinking that I'm ALWAYS painstakingly finishing something in it. I spent more time on it than on working projects. Is it worth the investment, do you think? Is anyone even looking at him?

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3 answer(s)
Robur, 2019-03-26

In general, there is no site, I don’t sit a day without work, I have to choose. Sometimes you want to make at least a one-pager - but the question arises "why?" to which there is no answer and the site remains in the plans. It all ended with buying a domain years ago.
Decide on the purpose of the site. Judging by your question - you are doing a site for yourself more than for customers - you can have fun for yourself as you like, who will forbid you.
If the goal is more orders, then, my untested IMHO - a one-page site made on business with a couple of original chips to attract attention is optimal. It's the designers who need the wow-effect, the front-ender needs the effect "a serious person, great experience, will do it quickly, clearly and with high quality."

bro-dev, 2019-03-27

It's useless, neither customers nor employers visit your site at all, the list of links makes sense.

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