MartyBoxer2018-02-21 15:55:45
MartyBoxer, 2018-02-21 15:55:45

Is it possible to start a young web studio without a portfolio?

Hello. I want to open a web design studio. There is experience, there is a team, there is gunpowder in the flasks. But there is nothing to show. Those works that we did with the guys (team) were created in the format of freelance collaboration with other studios. Obviously, they cannot be included in the portfolio of another (your) studio. Making fake projects is normal for a freelance start, but for a studio, it seems, it’s somehow not serious.
Has anyone come across similar situations and how did you get out?
Thanks in advance for your replies)

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4 answer(s)
Anton Kiselyov, 2018-02-21

Obviously, you can’t put them in the portfolio of another (your) studio

If the NDA was not signed, then you can put it.
And why is that?
Rumble a cool starship repair and maintenance landing page from a customer who has 7 tentacles and lives inside a liquid ammonia planet.
So there will be no stupid questions, and the portfolio is non-standard —> there is more interest immediately —> the time on the site is longer —> the conversion is higher.

Dmitry Dart, 2018-02-21

It all depends on the skill of the sales manager. You can hide behind the NDA, you can mention participation. In the end, no one forbade the customization of bootstrap templates. A couple of days and you have 5 beautiful projects in your portfolio.

Konstantin Nagibovich, 2018-02-21

Those works that we did with the guys (team) were created in the format of freelance collaboration with other studios.

Do not pass off these works as your own, but say that you took part in the following projects.
Look for clients who will trust you without a portfolio. For example, relatives, friends, former colleagues, etc.

Sanes, 2018-02-21

What kind of studio is this without a portfolio?
Show at least the process of developing your own site beautifully.

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