Maarit_reetta2017-10-04 17:39:08
IT education
Maarit_reetta, 2017-10-04 17:39:08

Is it possible to self-study?

Hello! I heard an interesting opinion today: the main mistake of a novice designer is the desire to learn on their own.
Is it so?
The bottom line: I have been fond of design for more than a year, but during this time I have not had real orders for money, only my head and a couple of startups. I am looking for all the information myself, the same Habr, YouTube, various articles and so on.
Is it important to have a professional mentor? Or is all this distributed by the corresponding courses of additional education?

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8 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2017-10-04

Self-learning does not mean that you sit and think about how to design in a solitary confinement.
That means reading books, watching videos, maybe taking courses, and a lot of practice and googling specific nuances.
The problem of self-learning is basically the same - poor motivation to study (not the motivation when "I'm ready to study 20 hours a day, what should I quickly learn in order to become a senior in 21 days and live on bohemians), but that motivation when you develop over the years. All my life you learn something new.
Well, and adequacy. If you bang your head against the wall for too long, then you need to look for an approach from the other side.

cssman, 2017-10-04

can. everything depends on you.

Nikita Peterson, 2017-10-04

A professional mentor can actually give you a lot. But at the same time, self-study should also be. And extra courses. education most likely will not give you the proper level, in general there are a scanty number of good courses. We need a working professional who earns on design, and not on teaching courses.

Sanes, 2017-10-04

Can. This requires a great desire. And it will still be longer than in an offline team.

Michael Vasyukov, 2017-10-04

My opinion is that you NEED to educate yourself , if you like something very much, like it or not, you will educate yourself, and it is POSSIBLE to become the best in your business without a professional mentor.
PS My opinion.

Puma Thailand, 2017-10-05

all the same, it’s good when the basis of self-study is books even better when they are in English
and the knowledge there is solid and stupid questions arise less

Egor, 2017-10-07

Each opinion can have only 2 reasons:
1. Or the opinion of someone else.
2. Or facts.
Always ask yourself: what is the opinion of the one who expresses it based on? Now, what is the opinion of the one you heard based on?
The closer to the facts, the closer to the truth.

sgmobb, 2017-10-09

My experience and the experience of acquaintances from this profession suggests that the best way is self-discipline + the opportunity to communicate with older pros. Ideal conditions for this when working in a design team. In my opinion, even if you aspire to work remotely, to freelance, it will still be very useful for some time to work in a formed team under the supervision of a senior designer or art director.
The second important point is English. Now more and more interesting articles are translated into Russian, but nevertheless, quite a lot remains only in English. Knowing the language and studying English sources expands the opportunity for education at times.

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