RostNov2017-09-08 22:34:46
RostNov, 2017-09-08 22:34:46

What specialty in IT to choose?

I decided that I would connect my life with programming. Until the end I can not understand what specialty to choose. Decided on the faculty - Applied Mathematics. It seems that all related specialties are directly related to programming, but at the same time I can’t figure out where to go. For myself, I singled out 2 options - either applied mathematics, or software engineering. They seem to be similar, but in universities the price is often very different. What to choose, how they differ, what is the fundamental difference in training?

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5 answer(s)
sim3x, 2017-09-08

If you want to connect your life with development, go work as a developer
Universities do not teach you how to develop software

oh, 2017-09-08
well @AnneSmith

it all depends on what you want to do later:
if you want a more universal education, then of course - applied mathematics, then you can choose a lot of different professions, if suddenly it doesn’t work out with a purely computer world
if you like software development in all forms, then enough of an engineer
with applied mathematics, you will always have time to become a developer, on the contrary, it will be more difficult, especially in the light of AI and big data,
just don’t listen to tales about work after school, there is an opportunity - get a good education

Ptolemy_master, 2017-09-08

RostNov , do not give up the opportunity to get a higher education. In addition to the fact that people with a high school are still valued more than without (you are unlikely to get a job at Microsoft if you do not have a crust), students are the best period in a person's life. And knowledge in universities is given, you just need to go to the right university. I don't know where you are, but I think ITMO is the best choice in every way.

Pavel Mikhalovsky, 2017-09-09

Well, in general, the value of a university is that you will pump your brain there with lethal doses of matan and various other subjects, you will survive - you will not be afraid of anything, you can solve any problem after sitting a little and studying the theory of the issue.
In each university, they understand the specialty in their own way and give their subjects, it is better to find out the features of education directly at the university. However, they must obey the standards, and you can read them here - fgosvo.ru/fgosvo/92/91/4 .
Well, from the name it is clear that in mathematics you will study more matan, and in development you will study development.

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