Eldar2020-02-02 20:48:37
IT education
Eldar, 2020-02-02 20:48:37

Which institute for distance learning in the field of IT to choose, there are many different courses, but for employment you need a diploma, who has come across write off?

Welcome all! Tell me who knows which institute for correspondence education to choose in the field of IT, the first education is medical, it is clear that there are many different courses, but for employment you need a technical diploma.

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3 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-02-02

First, you don't need a degree to get a job. Secondly, for the most part, the courses are useless. Thirdly, it is strange to ask people from the Internet to choose an educational institution for you. I propose the Buryat Institute of Infocommunications . Arrange?

MagicMight, 2020-02-02

Any university with a convertible diploma and the presence of the Department of Information Technology. Choose by opportunity.
In fact, the university will not make you an IT specialist, but it will give you a mathematical base

var_log, 2020-02-02

Choose any available technical university, the Faculty of Radio Engineering or the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, if any, any specialty that you can master.
In any university now you will be given a technological base and taught how to study. Further themselves.
After graduation, you will realize that you don’t know anything, and you will have to study modern technologies as you work.
Depending on the specific specialization, you will have to study a fairly large amount of knowledge.
It is good if there is time and money to take professional training courses in your chosen direction.
Sometimes, some employers may give preference to candidates for a vacant position from specific educational institutions.
Ranking of technical universities in Russia 2019:https://students.superjob.ru/reiting-vuzov/it/

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