melovskih2015-08-04 16:26:22
melovskih, 2015-08-04 16:26:22

Is it possible to make money on games?

Is it possible now to make money doing alone or with a small team indie games for mobile platforms or social networks?
How much should you spend on advertising on average?
Does anyone have a positive experience with this development?

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6 answer(s)
Alexey Yeletsky, 2015-08-05

You can earn if the team consists of pros. Alone, too, is possible, but difficult - you need to be a jack of all trades.
Ads are now sooooo expensive - this is the main problem for an independent developer. Therefore, either money or an original product is needed. Moreover, it is original for a mass audience, and not for a narrow circle of people.
To earn a significant amount on an offline game (played, passed and forgot), I would say, is almost impossible - there are only a few successful examples. Therefore, such games have to be made almost like on an assembly line - several a year. There will be no pleasure from this - a very cruel and difficult business.
You can try to make a service game (some kind of multiplayer, but simple). Theoretically, in a year and a half, you can make a clone of a popular browser with some original feature, gather a community and live from it, gradually developing the game.
I, in fact, have been doing this for the last 3 years, but the game came out too original and you can’t fully live with it, but something more massive may well provide the creator.
In general, the development of games is no different from the development of other software, except that it has some moments from the entertainment industry (in particular, from the film industry).

Saboteur, 2015-08-04

If you're asking this question, then you can't.
Game development is a technical process.
Making money on game development is a business process. If you ask such questions, then most likely you will not be able to make money on the development of the game on your own.

Mikhail Derevyannykh, 2015-08-05

I will answer briefly: It is possible, but difficult.
If I were you, I would learn to create small games alone / with a group of friends after work in order to gain experience and not harm my family and your budget in general, and later, when you understand well that you know how to make games, then make a small arcade mobile game (it's not very difficult, but profitable) and put some money into it for advertising. And there already, how it goes. :)
Good luck!

Jacob E, 2015-08-04

Perhaps the answers to all your questions on the link.

Dmitry, 2015-08-04

It is possible if the game is interesting and unusual. If a lot of people download it or play it... For sponsors and advertisers, this is the main thing!
The main thing is to highlight your target audience and make the game exclusively for them and take into account their interests and wishes...

Саша, 2015-08-04

Можно еще какие. Вопрос в другом, а вы можете что-то классное придумать? А дизайнер это нарисовать, а программисты заставить это работать. У меня друг на ios делал игры, сейчас с 5 игрушек имеет больше ~230к с одной рекламы(которая в начале загр. и все.

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