alta772015-10-30 15:56:25
alta77, 2015-10-30 15:56:25

Is it possible to make a website in HTML, and some sections in WordPress?

I am making a website for a friend, he liked the WordPress template, bought it and it turned out that it was terribly slow. The author sells the same template, but in the HTML version, and then I got the idea: make the entire site in HTML, and make the blog (it is needed) and portfolio pages on the VP. (he edits them himself + there is a plug-in that needs to be inserted on the portfolio page)
What do you think? Is there such a place?
I myself am interested in this work, but I don’t want to fall into the mud in front of a friend. Honestly, I don't know which way to go.)

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3 answer(s)
Mr Crabbz, 2015-10-30

Why not. Install wordpress in the blog folder on the server. And static - to the root. Just to edit the blog, you will go to site.ru/blog/wp-admin.
From the point of view of the "canonical" development of the site, of course, this is a bad form. It is better when the entire site is controlled by one CMS - it is easier to localize the problem in case of breakdowns.

Super User, 2015-10-30

Install a plugin that will cache pages and the site will stop slowing down. For example this plugin . It caches pages and returns cached html instead.

Maxim, 2015-10-31

Of course you can, as they wrote in the first answer.
In fact, such cases often happen, but not specifically with HTML, but for example with online stores or services, they install WP in a subfolder, make a static header and everything works smoothly.

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