lavezzi12015-03-31 17:55:06
lavezzi1, 2015-03-31 17:55:06

Is there a ready solution?

Tell me if there is a ready solution for the following task. You need to do something like a constructor. A person enters the page, in front of him is a gray model of a bicycle. Next, he clicks on the frame and selects the desired one from the list and it falls into place. And so with every detail. Perhaps there is something similar, on the basis of which it is possible to do this? I would be very grateful for the tips.

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2 answer(s)
Chvalov, 2015-03-31

Either write from scratch or pick from similar functionality:
codecanyon.net /item/woocommerce-tailored-shirt-onl...

Michael, 2015-04-05

There is no ready solution.
Because at our input there can be objects that are completely different in essence and nature, which need to be configured. And the principles/dependencies can also be very different.
Chvalov wrote correctly - you need to do it yourself, analyzing the available solutions.

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