Growth Osipov2015-11-28 23:37:10
Growth Osipov, 2015-11-28 23:37:10

Is it possible to find a WordPress theme based on narrowly defined criteria?

I want to create a blog on WordPress when the user gets to the main page of which, a screen with themes-blocks (a kind of news feed) would be shown to the user, after clicking on one of the blocks the user would be taken to the post (see the picture below):
I can’t find a free one anywhere /paid theme that meets this requirement.
An example of something similar is the Lumia Conversations
website . Thank you.

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1 answer(s)
lakegull, 2015-11-29

themeforest.net - look here, a large selection of inexpensive themes, if you are not 100% satisfied, then give it to the workbench, it will finish it according to your requirements.
I bought several themes and landings here

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