kbats2015-06-05 23:43:10
Game development
kbats, 2015-06-05 23:43:10

Is it legal to sell fan-made video games?

Is it legal to sell fan-made video games?

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5 answer(s)
Denis Ineshin, 2015-06-05

How is a fan video game different from a regular video game? Well, except for the quality.
If your fan game uses, say, some resources from another game, then it is no longer legal.

Alexey Lebedev, 2015-06-05

It is possible until the copyright holder does not care.

Spetros, 2015-06-05

Yes, you can, as long as you have the appropriate rights to those games and their components.
If the game being sold is legally not counterfeit (that is, it does not contain elements that, under their license, are prohibited from copying or selling), then you can sell it.

Rikcon, 2015-06-05

Black Mesa is even going to sell when they finish Xen.
What do you mean by "fan game"?

Sergey, 2015-06-06

No. A fan game made in a licensed universe cannot be sold. Only free distribution. Sometimes even free projects are cut.

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