Elizaveta19982020-12-24 15:14:36
Project management
Elizaveta1998, 2020-12-24 15:14:36

Is it better to work on one big project or several smaller ones?

About two months ago, I started to specialize in C ++ from Yandex on the courser, having little knowledge of programming before. I would like to digress a little and do something outside the terminal/console, something with graphics. I poked a little and looked at the SFML library, I really liked it, but so far I haven’t done anything particularly complex and complete. There are a couple of ideas in my head, the first is to make a small pack of games of the so-called "Golden Age", that is, all these asteroids, throne, pacman and a few others with a choice of each of the menus. The second idea is to make your own full-fledged game, a kind of cooperative bagel with level generation, inventory, and so on. The second idea looks more complex, but it will take longer to work on it. But on the other hand, the first idea will give a more "wide"
What is the best thing to work on? I would also like to upload the project to github and support it for a long time, maybe even for someone to join, maybe even show it at the interview and not be ashamed of it.

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2 answer(s)
Sanes, 2020-12-24

During the training, large projects will only infuriate.
While you are implementing, you will learn new methods that would be nice to apply to what has already been written.

Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-12-24

Go for boring bookkeeping. How many hours will you spend, how many will bring profit, who will be able to finance. After this boring tablet, estimate your strength and finances. However, I would recommend multiplying the estimates by 3

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