Leonid2018-02-09 13:21:51
Project management
Leonid, 2018-02-09 13:21:51

Free project management service for a web studio?

What service do you use to manage projects in your web studio?
Please recommend something free...
So far, we use Trello, but it does not give the full desired picture (cut across all projects, dynamics).
We looked closely at Asana, but there are not many opportunities there either.
I would like to find a service that has:
1) A project, a certain group of people from the studio is working on it
2) The project has tasks set for performers, respectively. for each task, you can conduct dialogues, set a deadline, etc.
3) An interface where you can see a general cut for all projects, see deadlines, see where the problems are, monitor the overall dynamics of work on each project and in general in total for all

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3 answer(s)
Anton Kiselyov, 2018-02-09

Try bitrix24.ru
UPD. About Trello: try using third-party reporting systems. Here there is a list .

Sir Waat, 2018-02-09

Ideal for web studios. Simple, functional, stylish)
Almost like basic JIRA

Geek, 2018-02-18

And what didn't suit Asana? I’ll ask for the sake of technical interest, it covers all our needs, and for free. It is more important to understand here, do you have a certain regulation of work and entering data into accounting software in your studio?
Recently there was a good article on Visi about Asana https://vc.ru/33360-scrum-marketing-v-kamernom-age... see
Or your way is Bitrix24, but this software is very amateurish.

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