Mason Hall2017-02-15 18:32:47
Mason Hall, 2017-02-15 18:32:47

Is it a reasonable price for a laptop?

Hello. I am looking for a used laptop for 15-17 thousand. The choice fell on this one. Could you tell me, please, is the price of this laptop normal? It’s just that I have never contacted buying used laptops, and now I’m thinking if everything is fine

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2 answer(s)
Egor Ommonik, 2017-02-16

The price is normal if:
The laptop is not dirty, not dirty.
Rigid without bedov.
The processor and video card have not worked at temperatures above 90 degrees during the last six months.
You can check it - take it.

Mark Rosenthal, 2017-02-15

I would bargain for 2K for resolution, but in general, the price is not too high anyway

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