Inv3go2015-04-14 14:53:39
Law in IT
Inv3go, 2015-04-14 14:53:39

Is an esports tournament gambling?

Suppose there is a system for automated organization of tournaments in an esports game, to participate in the tournament you need to make an entry fee from which the prize fund is formed. After the end of the tournament, the prize fund goes to the remaining team. Does this activity fall under gambling?

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3 answer(s)
SpyceR, 2015-04-14

"(French jeu de hasard - lit. "game of chance"
a game in which winnings depend entirely or to a large extent not on the skill of the players, but on chance"
If an eSports poker tournament - yes, but if cs, dota, etc. d. - no, it is not.

Saboteur, 2015-04-14

You should consult a lawyer in your country. The situation with the definition of gambling in Wikipedia and in the tax/civil/criminal code can be very different.
For example, in/in Ukraine it was reported that a game of chance is any game in which a monetary contribution is required to participate. At the same time, an exception was made for lotteries (where there is always a contribution), for individual sweepstakes. There were restrictions on bookmaking.
In general, I recommend contacting an experienced lawyer with whom you can discuss in detail.
For regular tournaments, it may make sense to stock up on a piece of paper in advance, for example, a lawyer can suggest how to conduct an examination in order to obtain an official certificate that your activities do not violate the law, and in which case, you first present the document, and then they will figure out who made it , and not take away all the equipment, and then you will look for evidence.

Alexander Florinsky, 2015-04-14

Running or long jump competitions are not games of chance, although there are cash prizes for the winners.
Why should a computer game, if it is not a Casino or card games (or any other such game), be gambling?
But in any case, it does not hurt to look for advice from experienced lawyers.

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