Intakto2013-03-12 11:12:10
Intakto, 2013-03-12 11:12:10

If you could start over, what would you do?

If you wanted to become a freelancer now, in 2013, and had the opportunity to master any specialization, programming language, related profession - from scratch, what would you do?

I ask not just like that, I think about what I would do myself. Sedentary work without freedom of choice is painful, you want freedom of movement and money.

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17 answer(s)
AntonVatchenko, 2013-03-12

I think I would learn everything that I taught, only normally - reading books from beginning to end, learning not only what is needed at the moment (for example, how to draw a circle in Java), but the whole philosophy, patterns, development stages, and just helpful tips. After all, sooner or later you realize that you can do something specific, but to build a good architecture, to shove optimal algorithms - this is all missed.
Specifically, I would teach Java, C++, server development and multiplayer online game design/programming.

Vyacheslav Golovanov, 2013-03-12

I would become a musician.

StanSemenoff, 2013-03-12

I would start doing bolder things that I was once afraid or embarrassed to do. From this there would be more faith in oneself, more deeds, more accomplishments. And the professional choice here, in my opinion, has nothing to do with it. We constantly restrain ourselves, do not allow ourselves to open up, because all sorts of children's complexes interfere with us. And when time passes, sometimes it is too late to change something. And we settle for what we have.
And more specifically, I would launch various startups, develop myself, look for more friends, colleagues and like-minded people.
Well, to be completely honest, I would simply do more good deeds that I had practically never done or done very little before. After all, everything comes back. The more we help others, the more we grow, the more we are respected, loved and appreciated.

freeek, 2013-03-12

I think, nevertheless, Java.

Puma Thailand, 2013-03-12

Well, the top is obvious in my opinion

anathem, 2013-03-12

And I would not have studied for 9 years as an economist, but I would have taken up programming right away (which I am mastering now))))

Sergey Lerg, 2013-03-12

GameDev, cross-platform for iOS, Android, Mac and PC.

Alexey Akulovich, 2013-03-12

I would stick with Go or seriously return to OpenGL in terms of cross-platform gamedev.

antonevich, 2013-03-12

I would still be an astronaut.

Aisu_Kuge, 2013-03-12

In fact, everything is not so simple here. There is a lot of money, exciting (not all felt-tip pens ...) and remote work. But not everything is so simple, special skills are needed.
For example, you can travel the world, write interesting review materials with good photos (you need a good SLR). Then send it to the editorial offices in order to sell the material. And there you can organize photo exhibitions, etc. There is a lot of interesting things, but at the same time, great efforts and talent for writing interesting materials are required.
And so, yes, any freelance in the area in which you are listed. But this is an amateur. There will still be deadlines. Plus, this very often leads to the fact that all the work is done in an emergency mode, if you do not organize your time.
IMHO, this is not the right question. The question should not be “What should I do to make it freelancing for money?”, but “I do this and that, how do I organize my work so that it is freelancing for money?”

Dima Yarmolchuk, 2013-03-12

My advice to you is to look towards the development of applications for iOS, now there are very few specialists in this field.

donRumatta, 2013-03-12

Most likely, there would be the same .NET, but the desire to make games, therefore, instead of ASP.NET, I would try unity and XNA.

madegg, 2013-03-12

I would be an illustrator

ldmco, 2013-03-13

Many times I started from the beginning, but no matter where and whoever I worked for, it came down to the fact that I am somehow engaged in sales (now I sell websites). At first, I resisted being a salesperson and changed jobs or the type of business I was doing, but then I analyzed everything and realized that this was my life path and it was useless to run away from it. I need to develop what I can do best.
I wish everyone the same find themselves in some field of activity.

ChernovDmitry, 2013-03-14

I have always found the profession of writing to be fun. It would be cool, of course, to be like stogoff - to thump all the time, to write all sorts of carbon monoxide crap. But I understood too well that the probability that I could secure a decent level of income for myself with such an activity tends to 0.

Laroy, 2013-03-14


beesent, 2017-08-15

Would make a normal data science training plan

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