Alexander Belikov2016-04-01 13:05:50
Alexander Belikov, 2016-04-01 13:05:50

I just can’t create a plugin with editing a record in my table, who can tell me?

I just can’t google the necessary information, I created a plugin, I display the entire table through WP_List_Table, and I want to add the function of editing a certain record, I haven’t met with an example in wordpresse before, who can tell me where to read the info or tell me what I’m doing wrong I
created the file record_edit .php created the a_edit_post class in it, wrote a check before the class

if ( ! class_exists( 'a_List_Table' ) ) {
to make sure my previous class is used and added
add_menu_page('View Form record', 'view_form_record', 'form_ansokan_edit', 'form_ansokan_record_item');
but I can't access form_ansokan_edit...

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1 answer(s)
Igor Vorotnev, 2016-04-03

You are calling the add_menu_page function incorrectly. See documentation :

add_menu_page ( 
    string $page_title, 
    string $menu_title, 
    string $capability, 
    string $menu_slug, 
    callable $function = '', 
    string $icon_url = '', 
    int $position = null 

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