newyork2017-03-18 22:21:27
Search Engine Optimization
newyork, 2017-03-18 22:21:27

How to write SEO articles correctly?

I know that you can place a blog on the site and articles in it for indexing by search engines, do you need to prescribe / highlight / formulate keywords in a certain way?

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2017-03-18

it’s necessary
, but the problem is that search engines are firing smarter and smarter,
so confidently only links and the subject of the article = the subject of the donor site = the subject of the acceptor site

Stanislav Sharapov, 2017-03-22

I consider the genre of SEO articles to be a little more than completely dead in 2017.
The fact is that
I would recommend for the basis of each post
The rest will be done for you by the semantic analysis of the text, which the search engine will do on its own (synonyms, related words, reformulations, etc.).

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