golmgolm2011-02-17 18:36:42
golmgolm, 2011-02-17 18:36:42

How to swap Fn and Ctrl on Thinkpad SL510?

How to swap buttons from a subject?
An Internet search shows that such a possibility exists, it is written in the official blogs lenovoblogs.com for all models, starting from 2010, through the BIOS settings, but I did not find this in the BIOS updated to the latest version. What am I missing?
The specific laptop model is ThinkPad SL 510 2847-RF1 if that matters.

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2 answer(s)
standrew, 2011-02-17

Try modified bios from here .
Disclaimer: Haven't tried it myself, at your own risk.
PS: Lenovo seems to only have one "Z" series with a normal Ctrl layout.

seagull, 2011-02-17

You can try any program for reassigning key functions. There are many such programs, for example this one .

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