JuliyaErina2012-05-25 20:17:08
Project management
JuliyaErina, 2012-05-25 20:17:08

How to survive the change of the key representative of the customer?

Hey Habr!
I need your authoritative opinion!
Surely, many of you know this situation: at the stage of designing and implementing a project, work takes place with a certain representative of the customer, as a rule, the project manager on the other side of the force. He has his own vision of reality, he actively cooperates with the project team, puts forward wishes, forms requests for change ... And a week before the deadline, he quits (goes on maternity leave, on a long sick leave, etc.). In his place comes another person with his own vision of reality. He interprets the requirements differently, he is more ambitious (because he just entered this position). The whole picture of your representation starts to crumble. And you (by default) are usually more of an enemy than a friend (again, because he needs to re-conquer the world).
What attempts to restore the former idyll are you making? How to overcome the pressure of a new player in a team that suddenly began to play against you?

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7 answer(s)
strib, 2012-05-25

A week before the deadline? Is there room for maneuver at this stage?
The project concept, project, and detailed schedule is up to date on the table and intimidated by the failure of the project)
Have a "mini-booze" and build relationships.
But seriously, it depends a lot on the person and the sponsors of the project.

Vampiro, 2012-05-25

There must be a piece of paper (design decision, etc.) stronger than any person. If there is none, take a lawyer to the team. Otherwise, each customer, changing representatives, will roll you in the dust. Look for papers, other solutions are less effective.

edogs, 2012-05-25

he is more ambitious (because he has just taken over).
Explain to him that a project that is not perfectly delivered will affect his reputation less than a project with professional deadlines.

AlekseyPolyakov, 2012-05-26

And why not break the project into stages and not approve their completion with a document signed by a representative?

EndUser, 2012-05-25

It's too late to drink Borjomi.
It was necessary to read habr before habrahabr.ru/company/softline/blog/124213/#comment_4083633
Now only the escalation of the event to the head of the company (or department). And the result will be a cold war.
Well, take the key to the bathhouse, make personal emotional contacts. At the fourth hour of drinking, tell from the bottom of your heart what the meaning of the project is. Not a 100% guarantee.
Or pay extra 30% of the effort and time, because the risk that you did not take into account fired.

JuliyaErina, 2012-05-25

What if in a month? How long do chances for maneuver end? What if it's a two week project? :) I understand that everything depends on the circumstances. I wonder who does what depending on the circumstances?

tac, 2012-05-26

You do not have any chances - you need to fulfill the requirements of the customer, the only thing you can do is to revise the terms and cost. Therefore, management must be aware of these force majeure events, and you must have strong justifications.

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