link002015-11-29 11:05:23
link00, 2015-11-29 11:05:23

How to smooth out the volume difference using software?

I welcome everyone. I will explain simply in my own words, on my fingers =)
In general, when watching movies, such nonsense. Let's just say, turn on the movie, set the "acceptable" volume level. We look, we look, and in some places the volume level jumps decently. Like when a plane is flying, or something big is falling, explosions, or some kind of climax. Therefore, every time you jump at these unpleasant drops. They are not exactly strong, but unpleasant. In general, the meaning is IN THE DIFFERENCE between "the volume level is ACCEPTABLE", and "the volume level at the CLIMINATION moments". How can this difference be reduced? In what direction to dig to smooth out this problem?

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1 answer(s)
Eugene Y, 2015-11-29

Some advanced MPC-HC players have a "normalize" option. Essentially, it makes quiet moments louder. The function of the volume slider on the gui does not change, it adjusts the final overall volume.

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