Alexander Sobolev2018-10-14 16:09:40
Alexander Sobolev, 2018-10-14 16:09:40

How to run foreach over two arrays?

- There is an_conditional_logic option containing arrays of the form
$ae_conditional_logic [basename($file)] = ['path' => $file, 'estate_operation' => $estate_operation, 'estate_type' => $estate_type]
- There is a "forms" folder with files.
How to combine checking each file in a folder for existence in option arrays?
In other words, how to combine two foreach:
1) foreach ( glob( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ )."../forms/*.php" ) as $file )
2) foreach ($ae_conditional_logic as $logic)
How to properly check if there is an array with name $logic[basename($file)] and if there is, then take its value, for example $logic[basename($file)][path], and if not, then execute the function, for example func1()
Confused as much as the brain boils .. help me figure it out, please

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1 answer(s)
Jamaludin Osmanov, 2018-10-14

If you understand correctly, then try this

foreach ( glob( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ )."../forms/*.php" ) as $file )
     //если есть значение

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