Ivan Kostyuk2016-05-07 13:16:29
Sound processing
Ivan Kostyuk, 2016-05-07 13:16:29

How to recognize text from audio?

Need information on how to process audio programmatically. I need to recognize text from audio. If you have come across this information, please share. I plan to implement in Java. But as an option, there may be another language. I prefer speed, so I will be glad to hear your advice.

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2 answer(s)
Roman Mirilaczvili, 2016-05-07

I think it will be easier to look for a third-party component that will do all the work and write a wrapper for it in the desired language, since the task of speech recognition is not trivial.
If there were knowledge in this area, the question would be posed differently.

Dimonchik, 2016-05-07


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