nikitabrody2015-07-30 15:19:36
nikitabrody, 2015-07-30 15:19:36

How to organize trigger mailings? Recommend services?

Good afternoon!
There is one online store on which a weekly mailing list is conducted.
I also want to make a trigger mailing. Here are the main scenarios:
- the user looked at the product, but did not buy it - an email
- the user did not make a purchase for a long time - an email
- an abandoned cart - an email
... etc.
Maybe there are some specialized services for trigger mailings? Found so far only mailtrig, but he died in early May.

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4 answer(s)
Stas Parshin, 2015-07-30

You can try Mailchimp.com linked to your CRM and CMS of the online store via API. There are a lot of services, this one is the simplest and most budgetary.

Beatle, 2016-05-27

Author, did you find something for yourself?
I'm too lazy to do the trigger API with my hands ...

Artyom Tsyplakov, 2015-07-31

retailrocket :)

Alexander, 2015-10-15


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