Ꮖɦɛօռ2019-04-18 22:13:33
Ꮖɦɛօռ, 2019-04-18 22:13:33

How did the leaders of popular publics start?

Here a man created a Vkontakte group. Fill it with interesting content. But where to get subscribers? Did all the popular publics wind up subscribers for money? Well, no, of course, you can invite a hundred friends. Spam everywhere and get banned. Well, there will be 300 subscribers in the end. And then what?

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2 answer(s)
Uga Jsiskw, 2019-04-18

In any case, cheating will be needed, at least one or two hundred subscribers, to create the appearance of activity.
It’s better to start with posts on relevant topics. Slowly, activity will begin.
Plus, targeted advertising is paid.
Of course, you can spam, but for me, you can hate your project so soon.

Dmitry Dart, 2019-04-26

They started 10 years ago with the fact that VK was a novelty, something interesting. Therefore, people willingly subscribed to interesting publics. This time.
Secondly, especially for entertainment and wow-publics, buying posts in the market platform worked with a bang. Yes, they invested too. I know one dude, he openly says that for each of his publics he had a budget of 100 thousand rubles for promotion.

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