Oligophren2017-10-15 21:32:20
Oligophren, 2017-10-15 21:32:20

How to find clients for a small regional studio in 2017?

Colleagues, good day to all!
Brief background: I live in the region, for the last couple of years I have been working as a developer and improving Bitrix24 (mainly Business Processes and improvements in PHP and JS). There is a desire to go on "free bread", open your own "studio" and start working with customers directly, but a very meager flow of clients does not yet allow you to quit your main job.
Question: Can you recommend an effective customer acquisition strategy for a small regional studio/integrator? So far, apart from landing and advertising in Yandex Direct, nothing comes to mind. I tried Avito, but from one ad I received only a couple of leads for the entire placement period.

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6 answer(s)
Ivan Vinokurov, 2017-10-15

Perhaps this is a headache for any owner of a studio or agency in the region)
I advise you to start following this gentleman - https://habrahabr.ru/users/zarutskiy_k/ , he writes very suitable things for a start-up business in this environment without stereotypes like cold calls, etc. d.

Puma Thailand, 2017-10-16

Freelance exchanges, including foreign ones, partner firms that work with Bitrix24 and can give you clients

Philip Grr, 2017-10-16

Visit thematic forums with your stand or business cards) Contextual advertising, advertising on the portals of your region. Freelance exchanges, better overseas or search for clients in major cities.

Anatoly Pontyuko, 2017-10-16

Advertising in search engines
Advertising on the best portals of the region
Search for customers due to the price abroad and in megacities

Olga Smirnova, 2017-10-17

Social networks with good content (coolly solved cases in the first place) + targeting by your region and members of thematic communities.

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