sta-ger2017-08-04 10:59:08
sta-ger, 2017-08-04 10:59:08

How to organize an internal startup?

I work for a small IT company. I have an idea for several new projects (mobile games) that, in addition to generating income, will advertise the company's products.
I would like to manage this project and make money on it. The idea came to organize a so-called "internal startup", i.e. as an investor - the company in which I work.
1. Together with the boss, we register a new company, distribute shares.
2. The boss continues to pay me the same salary as now + provides developers from his staff. Or, in some other way, invests in development.
3. I lead the development.
After the launch of the game, they begin to generate income, the new company becomes self-sufficient, forms its own staff. Continues to develop new projects.
I get my share of the firm's income.
Boss gets his share, wins back investment + has advertising for his own products.
I would like to hear the opinion of the experienced.
1. Is all of the above, in general, real, or something from the realm of fantasy?
2. What nuances are immediately evident that I did not foresee?
3. How to fairly distribute shares with the boss?
Thank you for your attention.

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19 answer(s)
sta-ger, 2021-07-27

I did not implement the idea, I did not try to negotiate with the boss. As a result, I changed jobs and have no plans yet. Now I understand that with that boss, nothing would have happened. I still think that the idea was good and quite feasible, but with the wrong person. (:

Sergey Nizhny Novgorod, 2017-08-04

Not the best idea.
The practice of such cases shows:
1) Transferring a mercenary to the role of a partner for the boss is a blow to reputation, so they don’t dare to do this.
2) If the boss spends his company's resources on a project, he expects to get all the profit from it. Therefore, ways to "throw" will be sought.
3) In this whole scheme, you are not needed. It is easier for the boss to hire a boy who will lead the development.
4) Often after such an offer you can get fired, because the boss needs order in the team, and not the boys who dream about their project.
The only working scheme is to create your own company, bring the product yourself, cooperate already from a position of equal strength. Otherwise, you will be squeezed out one way or another, and they will be right.

Vasily Nazarov, 2017-08-04

Here is one of two.
1. All this "income", "lead" is feasible only in your fantasies. Not because it's impossible in principle, but because you can't implement it.
2. You can do it.
But here there are 2 options
2.1. You will be able to convince the boss (and anyone else)
2.2. You can't convince anyone.
Go to the boss and offer. In the case of option 2.2, you can become a walking joke.
If you don’t go, it’s clear that option 1.

Raphael™, 2017-08-04

do it yourself

DrunkMaster, 2017-08-04

As the boss says, our opinion doesn’t really play here.
I just didn’t understand why you should be given a share, you can do this startup and for
salary. Is a separate company a separate LLC? This is a big hassle for accountants, it is necessary to register it, appoint a head, accountant, staff, tax, pension ... I would not register another company at once for no reason.

blugamire, 2017-08-05

Everything is real.
The bosses offered me interest.
But you describe very hothouse conditions: you don’t even need to strain yourself - all the resources will be provided to you. There is an error in this.
Everything else - cooperation on shares - is quite real.

Artem Voronov, 2017-08-04

1. Real and possible. Moreover, this is the least risky option to start your own business.
2. It is necessary to foresee what you will do in case of failure.
3. How to agree.

dkrylov, 2017-08-04

There is nothing to even think about, everything is tied ONLY to personal relationships with the BOSS. If you are friends with him, then your scheme should work. If it’s just a boss and an employee, it seems to me that no one needs you with your idea)

McBernar, 2017-08-05

I really don't understand why there are so many skeptics here.
Already at my very first real job, a month later, the manager suggested that I do something exactly as partners. True, at that time I did not take advantage of this, because I was too young and inexperienced, but nevertheless.
If the company is good, it will make a real partner out of its employee with great pleasure. The main thing is that it would be useful.

Maxim Kudryavtsev, 2017-08-04

Until you try, you won’t know for 100%, so I recommend burying all doubts and talking to the boss after work. And then it depends on your boss. At worst, you'll be looking for a new job.

Nikita, 2017-08-06

Is all of the above, in general, real, or something from the realm of fantasy?

Well, look, the statistics are as follows - in 1 case out of 10 it is real, in 9 out of 10 it is fantasy / failure / losses.
Every first one is sure that it is he who is not such a fool as those 9 out of 10, and everything will burn out 100% for him, he has clearly thought through everything ... "Zuckerberg was able, and I'm worse"))
A small startup (service/toy) is:
Total - at least 5 million rubles, at least a year of time (yes, I know that it seems like in a couple of months "fucker-fucker and in production").
Your boss:
1. Incurs costs of at least 5 million rubles;
2. Forced to tear employees away from business processes, or hire new ones, organize some firms, departments, increase operating costs without increasing production volumes;
3. In case of failure (with a probability of 9 out of 10) incurs specific losses.
1. Don't incur any costs, not even time/labour. And without brilliant ideas, you would work for the same salary, the same hours;
2. Instead of solving business problems for this salary, you embody your youthful Wishlist. Lacking competencies at the same time (it is much more rational for a boss to hire a project manager from the gaming industry for a salary with a portfolio of completed projects than to partner with a "carrier of brilliant ideas");
3. In case of failure - as in the joke "well, I couldn't, I couldn't," but you shrug your boss with the exclamation "well, that's your investor share"))
Try to ask this question not on the programmers' forum (where every second bears he sees himself no less than Durov for his brilliant ideas in the future), for whom the main thing is to write the code and the project is implemented)) And go to the forums of business owners, most likely, there you will be lowered a little to the ground.

Nikolay Baranenko, 2017-08-07

based on the fact that your boss agrees to the registration of a new legal entity and the allocation of resources from existing projects, then I understand that your boss is not the owner of the company.
Obviously, there is a big risk that the owner of the company in which you are currently working with all the ensuing consequences will become aware of this.

Philip Grr, 2017-08-07

Unfortunately unlikely. Too many nuances.
1) An image moment for the "boss", not everyone is ready to accept a subordinate as a partner.
2) What prevents him after he learns the idea of ​​the project to take everything into his own hands without your participation? (or worse after you finish the project)
3) The cost of a side project that may not burn out, with fifty-fifty percentages. The head of the company will want a larger share.
It’s better to do independent development, take someone to the team as a share, and then, from the point of view of the seller, you can offer him this project, and actually not only him.

Roman Zhak, 2017-08-10

Realistically, as long as your idea is brilliant and you can make it happen (maybe with some help). Otherwise, you are not needed, it is easier to hire you / from outside for a salary.

sickmilk, 2017-08-04

Somewhat fantastic. Something tells me that you will always be in the "boss-subordinate" state, there will be no question of any partnership. And if it suddenly shoots - even more so)

azShoo, 2017-08-04

Do I understand correctly that you want to file down your project, and for this you want to receive a stable salary from one company, and also a share in another?
Nice try.

Das_original, 2017-08-05

Do it, offer it, and then you will already agree, if you cannot agree, the project will not take off. Because he did the same. If the project is really worth the risk - fight to the end, and if you go around meatballs and mumble - there will be no sense. And remember, everything has a conversion.

Maxim Kotenko, 2017-08-30

More than real, you just have to sweat very well for the game to start making a profit and at least go to zero ... The competition in this market is simply huge)

Victor P., 2021-07-27

Hello, I don't see the answer.
What did you end up doing?
What have you agreed to?
There will always be skeptics. Someone was deceived, someone got burned on something like that.
Amusing answers, such as "the head can hire someone instead of you" and the like. At the same time, questions are asked in neighboring branches "where to find such a person with burning eyes" - the answer in these branches is "nowhere".

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