Rick2016-02-02 20:16:10
Rick, 2016-02-02 20:16:10

How to mount a physical hard drive in hyper-V server 2012r2?

Good evening. I installed a hyper-v server on the host, there are 3 physical HDDs on the host. Hyper-v server 2012r2 is running on one.
The task is to make the path to the virtual machines and hard disks of the virtual machine lie on the second physical HDD, for example, SSD.
Through Total Commander disks are not visible.
Get-Disk command - they are, but Get-PSDrive - also not, only C is marked.
Whoever has come across or knows where to dig, unsubscribe. Thanks in advance.
get disk command

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2 answer(s)
Artem @Jump, 2016-02-02
curated by the

If for some reason you cannot use diskmgmt.msc, then you can initialize and partition disks via PowerShell.

Initialize-Disk -Number x -PartitionStyle GPT 
New-Partition -DiskNumber x -Size 100GB -DriveLetter Y 
Format-Volume -DriveLetter Y -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel Storage -Confirm:$false

X disk number in Get-Disk output

Andrey Ivanov, 2016-02-04

Or via diskpart you can

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