zorghrd2016-06-14 17:22:34
zorghrd, 2016-06-14 17:22:34

How to migrate an OpenVZ container from ploop to LXC?

There is an old server with OpenVZ.
There is a new server with LXC.

The container is spinning on the old one, the container FS is represented by 1 ploop file - root.hdd for 400GB.

How to transfer this VM to a new server and run it under LXC, with minimal hemorrhoids?
Is it necessary to deploy ploop on the FS of a new server? Or can you just run it like this?
In a debian 6 container, the old server is also on debian, will it have problems running on a new server with LXC on CentOS 7?

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3 answer(s)
zorgrhrd, 2016-06-15

Converted to RAW via

ploop convert -f raw /path/to/root.hdd

Launched an LXC container with a RAW disk.

Vladimir, 2016-06-15

mount fs image like this
and get what you want
more in wiki ovz

Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2016-06-15

mount the image, get the directory structure - transfer the virtual machine directory to lxc to root, fix the network settings / interfaces / etc.

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